5 Bartlett Farm Rd, Nantucket, MA 02554
The hours below are subject to change in the winter due to weather or spur of the moment tropical vacations. Follow us on social media @Ciscobrewers for events and escapades.
NANTUCKET HOURS (winter version 2024-2025)
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday - Closed
Thursday (Trivia Thursdays) - 2pm-7pm
Friday - 2pm-7pm
Saturday - 12pm-7pm
Sunday - 12pm-6pm
Holidays or winter weather can affect our hours. Click below for the latest information for the Nantucket loacation.
Cisco Brewers Seaport is closed for the winter season, but will be back April 2025.
Follow us on social media @CiscobrewersSeaport for our opening dates and follow us at @Ciscobrewers for our year round events.
1482 East Rodney French Blvd, New Bedford, MA 02774
The Cisco Brewers beer garden in New Bedford is closed for the winter season and will reopen in May of 2025.
The Cisco Kitchen & Bar is open year-round and our hours, menus and live music calendar can be found on our website:
Follow @Ciscobrewersnewbedford for the 2025 opening date and follow @Ciscobrewers for our year round events.